Irene Fogarty, Anne Burke and Adeleh Mohammadi

Irene Fogarty, Anne Burke and Adeleh Mohammadi

2017 Winner

Irene Fogarty, an MSc student in world heritage conservation at University College Dublin and audience researcher with The Irish Times, for her essay:

Indigenous Women and Science Knowledge.

Irene donated half of her prize to the UN Fund for Gender Equality, in Mary’s memory.

2017 Runners-up

Adeleh Mohammadi, a civil engineering PhD student at National University of Ireland Galway, for her essay:

Appreciating the Past, Living the Present to the full, and Creating the Future.

Anne Burke, an MSc student in science communication at Dublin City University, for her essay:

(Some) Women are Tired …

Irene Fogarty accepting the 2017 Mary Mulvihill Award

When we talk about science knowledge, we often neglect the contribution of indigenous peoples: particularly indigenous women. With nearly 200 million indigenous women at the front line of climate change, their science knowledge is complementary, instructive and vital…

Irene Fogarty, Mary Mulvihill Award Winner 2017

From her winning essay: Indigenous Women and Science Knowledge – The First Voice and Climate Change. Read full essay…

Highlights from the 2017 Awards